Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Is Breast Cancer Linked to Vaccines?

aluminum used in vaccines could be one culprit causing breast cancer

I just read this article that was kind of startling and quite thought provoking It brings up some frightening statistics.
There have been studies done suggesting aluminum in vaccines we give our children could be contributing to cancer in future years while preventing diseases in the present. It is a catch 22 and you should read this article and then draw your own conclusions.

You will want to scroll down to where it says cancer and I believe it is the article written on March 18 2011.

This is probably enough to read and I could not say it any better. Let me know what you think of it. Feel free to post and forward this. Thanks

Jan Dagley aka jan.dagley at Skype, Janet Dagley on Facebook and moneymap on Twitter or google moneymap411 to find out more about me.

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