Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Is Breast Cancer Linked to Vaccines?

aluminum used in vaccines could be one culprit causing breast cancer

I just read this article that was kind of startling and quite thought provoking It brings up some frightening statistics.
There have been studies done suggesting aluminum in vaccines we give our children could be contributing to cancer in future years while preventing diseases in the present. It is a catch 22 and you should read this article and then draw your own conclusions.

You will want to scroll down to where it says cancer and I believe it is the article written on March 18 2011.

This is probably enough to read and I could not say it any better. Let me know what you think of it. Feel free to post and forward this. Thanks

Jan Dagley aka jan.dagley at Skype, Janet Dagley on Facebook and moneymap on Twitter or google moneymap411 to find out more about me.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Can Electronic Cigarettes Help Prevent Cancer?

My name is Jan Dagley

Cut Back on Second Hand Smoke With Electronic Cigarettes

I would love to have absolutely no reason for this blog other than the play on words as my astrological sign is Cancer.

However, my 9 year old god daughter is in the middle of losing her second grandma to cancer. For both of them it was lung cancer. Her mom, who is already in the later stages of emphysema from smoking is the one who asked me to help break the cycle. While researching I ran across a great place to shop for the best brands of electronic cigarettes called the Electronic Cigarette Market. I am amazed at how much choice there is in the market of ecigs as my friend calls them.

I have read that they have proven that third hand smoke( the odors and chemicals left behind after one is done smoking) is also detrimental to health along with second hand (smoke you inhale while in the presence of a person smoking) and of course first hand. It is no wonder her grandma died of lung cancer. When you are the smoker, you are subjected to all three kinds of smoke and you only have two options if you want to avoid subjecting others to the risk of getting cancer.

As I see it your options are to quit smoking altogether or start using electronic cigarettes. Smoking safe ecigs may not cure the smoker but it can help prevent cancer by putting fewer people at risk. However I have another friend who has used the ecigs for a few weeks and she says she is smoking less now than she has for years and is well on her way to not needing cigarettes at all. I will have to get her testimoneial one of these days.

Obviously when you are smoking electronic cigarettes, second and third hand smoke would not be an issue because they put off no smoke, and are odorless.

If you are interested go back to the link in the first paragraph and check out the many brands and flavors available at the Electronic Cigarette Market.

Take care of yourself

Jan Dagley

---aka jan.dagley at skype, Janet Dagley on Facebook, and moneymap on Twitter. For further info you can google moneymap411